Life Assessment Results - Aleta Norris Skip to content

Your Women Who Spark Life Assessment Results

{Name (First)} {Name (Last)}


Current Age: {Your Current Age}

Date: {todaysdate}

PART ONE: A General Look Back

What has gone well for you during the past 12 months?

{What has gone well:5}

PART TWO: Your Result

Here are your Life Assessment results.

5 / 4
2 / 1

Areas shaded in bright pink, you had rated a 4 or 5:

  • 5 = I am extremely satisfied with this area of my life.
  • 4 = I am satisfied most of the time.

Areas shaded in pink, you had rated a 3:

  • 3 = I am satisfied about half of the time.

Areas shaded in light pink, you had rated a 1 or 2:

  • 2 = I am, for the most part, dissatisfied with this area of my life.
  • 1 = I am doing terribly here

Areas shaded in gray, you had skipped.


PART THREE: Your Three High Priority Areas

This is the fun part! For each priority area you listed, brainstorm the things you would like to do to improve in this area. Need some help? You may reference ideas on the following pages to get your creativity started.

{Priority 1:27:priorities}

Ideas to consider for your three priority areas.

You are welcome to use these ideas or come up with your own!

Your Spouse or Significant Other

I would like to see us:

  • being ourselves in our relationship.
  • saying what is on our minds.
  • fighting in a healthy way.
  • creating space to pursue our own interests and friendships.
  • finding joy in this relationship.
  • treating each other with kindness.
  • letting things go.
  • making our relationship a safe place.
  • share emotional intimacy.
  • making time for each other.
  • having fun together.
  • showing each other mutual respect.

Your Family (choose ‘immediate’ or ‘extended’)

I would like to see us:

  • spend quality time together.
  • show mutual respect for one another.
  • manage conflict in a healthy way.
  • have positive interactions with one another.
  • affirm and supporting one another.
  • share in responsibilities.
  • create rituals and traditions that are meaningful to us.
  • share meals together with enjoyable conversation.
  • work together to address our problems.
  • care about the needs of the other members of our family.
  • encourage each other to share emotions.
  • be happy.

Your Friends

I would like to:

  • have three to five friends I enjoy spending time with.
  • have at least one or two treasured friends who are my go-to people.
  • be intentional about seeking and keeping friends in my life.
  • feel the comfort in knowing I have friends who care about me and want to support me.
  • have friends who help me be a better person.
  • unfriend people who add angst and stress to my life.
  • spend time with friends who are fun, kind and not prone to drama.
  • have serious, substantive conversations with at least one friend.
  • have daily social interaction with friends.
  • have friends I can reach out to when I’m worried about something.
  • be an active friend. I need to reach out, extend invitations and do my part of keep my friendships a priority.
  • have a group of friends who make each other laugh.
  • create a friend group.

Health, Fitness, Weight and Diet

I would like to:

  • do some sort of physical activity at least three days per week.
  • take the stairs whenever I can instead of the elevator.
  • make choices during the day that allow room for movement.
  • incorporate certain disciplines in my day that keep me on track and accountable (i.e. count calories using an app; weigh in daily…)
  • focus on self -care so my body feels good.
  • be mindful of the amount of caffeine I drink each day (coffee, soda, black tea).
  • not eat things that make me feel sick….even if I love them!
  • not drink too much alcohol.
  • drink enough water.
  • put a stop to gaining weight year over year.
  • weigh myself each day.
  • reel in my eating when my weight begins to creep up.
  • choose something healthy like chicken and a salad, even when I’d prefer the unhealthy choice.
  • eat more whole, single ingredient foods than processed foods.
  • avoid the 5 C’s: chips, cookies, candy, crackers, cake.
  • eat only a reasonable amount of carbohydrates like bread and pasta.
  • manage night time snacking.
  • fast for at least ten hours per day (from the last time I eat at night until the first time I eat in the morning).
  • go to the doctor.

Spirituality, Joy, Peace, Contentment

I would like to:

  • live in the moment.
  • seek out and find joy in simple pleasures in life.
  • leave margin in my life for relaxation time and meditation.
  • feel content day by day, even while striving toward various life goals.
  • consciously focus on being at peace with the various things that happen in my life.
  • smile at people throughout the day.
  • set time aside each day to be still.
  • not worry about the future.
  • not beat myself up about my past.
  • have reasonable expectations of the people and world around me.
  • enjoy the work I do and have flexibility in my life.
  • carve out time in my schedule to relax.
  • not be uptight about the ‘small’ stuff!
  • calm down when I am stressed about things.
  • make my surroundings more peaceful.
  • see value in the little things in life.
  • be a grateful person.
  • let go of my regrets.
  • get rid of the clutter.

Home and Space

I would like to:

  • like my living space.
  • be content with the amount of space I have/the size of my home.
  • improve décor of my living space.
  • keep things neat and clean.
  • manage the amount of clutter I have in my space.
  • improve the state of repair of my surroundings, like paint, weary furniture, worn-out rugs.
  • use my home to create experiences with my family and friends (a grill, a karaoke machine,
  • change the paint colors of my home.
  • enjoy the personal, sentimental pieces in my home that bring me joy when I look at them.
  • have a space in my home or apartment that adds comfort and positivity to my day.
  • incorporate touches of nature in my space.
  • consider my house or apartment my home.

Hobbies and Interestes

I would like to:

  • make a list of things I like doing.
  • not allow myself to be idle and bored, because I have things I enjoy doing.
  • use my hobbies to add joy to others.
  • be so excited about my hobbies and interests, that I wish there were more time in a day.
  • feel more alive and more alert because of time I spend doing something I love to do.
  • make time for things that I love to do.
  • use my hobbies and interests to help relieve stress and tension in my life.
  • tell my friends and family what my hobbies and interests are, because they see me spending time doing these things.
  • identify hobbies and interests that will push me to learn new things.
  • stop using the excuse “I don’t have time” as a reason to not have a hobby.


I would like to:

  • have enough money each month to comfortably cover my bills.
  • have extra money to do some fun things.
  • have a plan for saving and investing money for my future.
  • set aside money every month for the future.
  • have the recommended ‘emergency fund’ set aside for three to six months to cover unexpected situations.
  • not spend more than I make.
  • be careful to use credit only for large purchases like a house and a car.
  • feel comfortable with the level of debt I have.
  • know my net worth.
  • have a budget that I keep track of every month.
  • pick up a side job for some extra spending money.
  • meet with a financial advisor.

Work and Professional Life

I would like to:

  • love my work.
  • do work that feels meaningful to me.
  • make a difference for someone because of the work I do.
  • have work that feels like more than a job to me.
  • feel valued by the organization I work for.
  • be able to learn new skills and grow in my capabilities.
  • feel challenged.
  • be able to make decisions.
  • be motivated to achieve work at a high level.
  • work for a leader who treats me with respect.
  • explore new options for my work.
  • start a new career.
  • meet with a career coach.
  • start my own business.

Mom Role (still raising children)

I would like to:

  • decide what kind of mom I want to be.
  • be intentional about developing my skills as a mom (i.e. reading books, attending seminars).
  • stop yelling at my children except in rare situations.
  • make certain my children know the expectations I have for them individually, because I have been intentional in making them clear.
  • ask each of my children what is important to them.
  • create a value system for my family.
  • balance “catering to my kids” with an expectation that they share in responsibility (mode of transportation, laundry, cleaning).
  • have a system in my home for my kids to earn spending money by doing work.
  • calmly provide consequences to my kids when they fall short of expectations.
  • be reasonable when my children make poor choices along their journey of growing up into adults.
  • I would like to focus on my kids’ choices being bad, not them as a person.
  • stop arguing and bantering with my children. I want to be clear that they are the child and I am the parent.

Mom Role (adult children)

I would like to:

  • decide what kind of mom I want to be to adult children.
  • share my ideas when asked and then step back to allow my children to decide what they would like to do.
  • share time with my adult children but not burden them by being needy.
  • help with my grandchildren, but not impose myself by suggesting that I have all of the answers.
  • stop giving unasked-for advice.
  • not make my kids feel guilty for not calling or stopping by as much as I wish they would.
  • let my children make their own decisions, then support them whether I agree or not.
  • Offer to watch my grandchildren more proactively to give my kids a break.
  • accept who they are.
  • allow my kids to complain about things without needing to fix it for them.
  • stop worrying about them.

Congratulations {Name (First)}!

  1. You have assessed your life.
  2. You have selected priorities to focus on.
  3. And, you have put together a plan to get started.

However you found this, I’m happy to be a resource to you, particularly if you’re the kind of woman who likes encouragement and even friendly accountability.

So, how else can I help you?

Here are a few things to consider:

  1. Order a copy of my best-selling book, Women Who Spark: 12 Steps to Catapult Happiness, Cultivate Confidence and Discover the Purpose of Your Life or my newest book Women Who Spark After 50: Inspiration to Reinvent and Reignite Your Life for the Second Half.
  2. Prefer a signed copy of my books?  You can order directly from me at
  3. Join the Women Who Spark Tribe. This is a Facebook Community for women interested in supporting one another! I will be your online mentor and coach. In addition to me, you’ll interact with thousands of women in the community.

For more ideas, and to connect with me, visit

Hugs, Aleta

© 2022 Aleta Norris LLC

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